Cardiff Business School: Scholarships

About the Program Cardiff Business School

The Cardiff Business School PhD program will prepare you for a career in academia or as a business practitioner. Our PhD program is for motivated, highly qualified students who are interested in solving current and pressing problems that face society and the economy. More than 130 PhD students are part of our vibrant, international community. They actively participate in all aspects of the School’s research and teaching activities. Our Doctoral Academy provides in-house training and other training to support doctoral students.

This scholarship is available to international students, EU students, and home-students. There are many scholarship options, including full tuition and stipend. The competition for scholarships is open.

In your application, please indicate that you are applying to a Business School Scholarship.

At Cardiff Business School there are two PhD Programs: the PhD program in Economics and the PhD program in Business and Management. Before applying for the Programme, applicants are encouraged to review our academic profiles and to discuss their research interests with a supervisor.

Doctorate in Business Studies: Students can choose to pursue a 3-year full-time PhD program in Business Studies. They have the option of choosing to focus their research in one of these areas: Accounting and Finance, Logistics and Operations Management, Management, Employment and Organisation, Marketing and Strategy. During the PhD project, students will receive training in research design, methods and philosophy.

Admission to the programme is subject to successful completion of the Cardiff University MSc in Social Science Research Methods. Entry-level qualifications and research training are important. The MSc year may be paid in full for successful Scholarship recipients.

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PhD in Economics: This 4-year, full-time program is hosted by the Economics Section. It involves two years in advanced coursework and two years in research. An MSc in Economics is the first year. It covers core subjects. The second year consists of an MSc Economics and a MRes Advanced Economics. Students then begin to design their PhD research projects. The PhD phase comprises years three and four. Students who are qualified can also apply for the PhD in Economics program at the MRes stage. However, they will need to follow a slightly different curriculum than students who have already completed the MSc Economics (PhD Route).

Application Information: Candidates applying for the PhD in Cardiff Business School Studies must have a Master’s degree in Business Management, Social Sciences, or related subjects from an internationally recognized University.

A Masters degree in Economics is preferred for students applying for the PhD in Economics.

Online applications must include a research proposal that demonstrates intellectual ability to identify and develop viable research questions.